Thursday, February 14, 2013


Next to Christmas I think Valentine's day is also a well celebrated occasion. I took pictures for a flower shop's website many years back and witnessed how they worked on Valentine's Day. Cars are all queued  along the road, with customers waiting for their turn to get their flowers. Each one of them is lead to a "showroom" . They choose the flowers they want, the staff put them all in a "pail" ( well that's how i see it) and then brought to the arranger. After a few minutes ( well actually not really few as there are so many people in the shop) they get their bouquet, and off they go. Almost 80% of the flowers are imported with ecuadorian roses being their best sellers. ( picture shown). And yes, they command a hefty price ! But no one seem to mind, after all V Day comes only once a year. Happy Valentine !!!

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