Monday, February 11, 2013

Sweet Gesture

Dark chocolate with nuts from New Zealand. Went out for lunch today to see some old friends, particularly Mrs. Imelda Wood and her  hubby, David. After lunch, she gave each one of us this big chocolate bar! Just exactly what I wanted ! Thank you !!

Charmaine Mae with daughter Althea Candace
          This is  Althea, at seven months spending her very first Christmas with her mother....a picture can really say so much !  Can't wait till she turns one !

      Being a part-time pro photographer, there are times I do get inspired taking pictures ( portraits are my forte) and I go to the extent of retouching them to the best of my ability ( not overdoing it of course) and I call them my "masterpieces". Portraits done out of love and passion! I'll be posting some of them here and more to follow once i get the hang  of this new blog I just created!

    To your left is actor Jerome Ponce ( must be his screen name ). He had a "different" name when I first met him. Ha ha ha..anyway this young man was supposed to be with the PBB Teens, but something happened along the way. He did not have the chance to enter "Kuya's" house but was given the chance to be in the tele-serye "Be Careful With My Heart". Now, isn't that a big leap? When a door closes, windows do open !

 Anna Vicente is another "newbie" in showbusiness. I escaped my mind that I was able to take her pictures when she was just in her pre-teens!
This photo shoot became sort of  reunion of us and I'm just glad she's now slowly but surely realizing her dream. Barely 15, ( at the time of this shoot) Anna can easily pick up instructions in a drop of a hat. Young, pretty and oh-so-nice and talented, she's a totally complete package !

Mr and Mrs Jolly and Cecille Valdez with their parents..representing the groom's mother is his sister.

 I am not really into  covering events , but from time to time I try to take pictures at weddings and parties ( mostly friends') in order to hone my skills and expand my horizon as a photographer. This picture was taken during my good friend, Cecille's wedding to her long - time boyfriend, Jolly. I guess it's a good start but still I feel I have a lot more to learn when it comes to documenting weddings.

    He's a familiar face to those who regularly watch Eat Bulaga on GMA 7. John Edric is Mr. Pogi 2012 and he has been a regular client of mine even before he became this popular. With such a nice and friendly attitude, plus good looks and talent on the side, it's not impossible for him to hit it big time sooner than we think.


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