Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Heart of Saint Camillus

  Saint Camillus de Lellis is known to be the Patron Saint of the sick, hospitals and church workers. It was a rare chance for me to view his relic at the Saint Camillus Seminary; merely a stone's throw away from our house in Marikina. I can never forgive myself if I didn't go. So on the night of February 23,  I was there at the Seminary chapel where I prayed fervently for my loved ones, especially those who are sick. It was an advantage ( or disadvantage?) that there were only a few people around so I was able to get closer to take this picture. It's just too bad that this Saint is not as "popular" as the others and I am greatly privileged to know him through my priest and seminarian friends at the seminary. Lucky me...I saw his heart during the Love month!

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